
Nearly 90 minutes of the Vincennes City Council meeting on Monday was taken up by comments from several city department heads, current and former employees and city council members.

The issues discussed related to employee scheduling, paid time off, vacation time and more as well as the use of the recently implemented ADP computer system which is utilized for clocking in and out and keeping track of time worked.

The subject was brought up earlier this month at the bequest of Street Department Superintendent Jeff Wood who had questions on the matters.

Monday, City Clerk/Treasurer Cathy Lane addressed the council and went over several of the city’s handbook policies which were revised in 2021.

There were some seemingly accusatory statements made and exchanges which became almost heated at times as several defended their interpretation of the rules.

However, late in the discussions, City Engineer Jon Sprague summed up that the issues lie with decades old ways of doing things mixing with a new handbook and computer system..

The city council deals with the budgetary end of setting salaries in relation to the controversy so the consensus was to send the matter to the Board of Public Works to work with department heads on clarifying and revising the items in question.