So many families in our community are struggling just to get by. We created
this event to be able to show them we are here. We want them to know that
there are resources and people that care. The goal of this event is to show that
this community has not forgotten about them and wants to hear from them.
Knox County cares for all its residents no matter the barriers they face; there is
help. There has long been a saying for many people in this community and
some would say a stigma about being “From the wrong side of the tracks”. That
is not because Vincennes has so many train tracks that divide various parts of
our community. The tracks we want to cross are the barriers that are felt by the
people who have a lack of education, lack of transportation, a lack of
opportunity, and usually a lack of support. Single mothers and fathers. Elderly
who has no family. People who have suffered generational poverty or
addiction. The list goes on. At this community event we want them to feel loved,
we want to empower them and shine some hope in the darkness. Show them
that there are people in this community who have overcome these same
barriers, but we did not do it alone and now we are here to let them Know it is
The event will be held at The Willows on June 24th, 2023.
More information: Krissy Hannel (812)899-1192 or Trina Kolb (812)582-9135