
A traveling exhibition examining America’s response to the Holocaust will open at Vincennes University’s Shake Library on March 17, with a series of events leading up to its arrival.

A screening of The U.S and the Holocaust is Thursday night in Terre Haute at the Candle’s Holocaust Museum.  It’s a 3 part series by film makers Ken Burns and Lynn Novick and Sara Botstein which examines America’s response to what’s described as one of the greatest humanitarian crises of the 20th century.

The movie serves as a precursor to the exhibit at Shake Library running from March 17 through April 28. It explores how Americans responded to Nazism, war, and genocide in the 1930s and 1940s. Visitors can also participate in the Butterfly Project, honoring the 1.5 million children who perished in the Holocaust.

On March 27, the Red Skelton Performing Arts Center will host a keynote presentation featuring Trent Andrews, who will share Eva Kor’s story.  She was a survivor of the Holocaust and advocate for forgiveness.

To learn more about the upcoming exhibit at VU watch the latest episode of First City Focus.  Full episodes as well as segments of the show can be found on the  Vincennes PBS YouTube channel.