The deadline to order wreaths for Vincennes’ Wreaths Across America project has been extended to December 13, 2024. The Vincennes Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs aim to honor all 3,500 veterans buried in the city’s cemeteries by placing a wreath on each grave.
Last year, the organizations funded 2,000 wreaths, and this year’s goal is to come even closer to full coverage. Wreaths are $17 each and can be purchased by individuals or businesses. Orders can be made in person at the Vincennes Water Department or Henderson Transfer, by mail to P.O. Box 272, Vincennes, or online at
Checks should be payable to “Wreaths for Knox County.” Contributions not only honor veterans but also support community initiatives funded by the service clubs.
The program’s ceremony will take place on December 16, with wreaths available for personal placement at veterans’ graves. Volunteers are invited to assist with distribution at 11 a.m. on December 14, and school groups are encouraged to participate.
For more details, contact Keith Doades at 812-887-0159 or