The weather for the rescheduled Lincoln homecoming festivities should be picture-perfect today.
The forecast of sunshine and 80-degree weather is a far cry from the wind and rain that forced the postponement of the events last week.
The parade is slated to start at 3:45 p.m. and will follow the traditional parade route from Hart Street through downtown, finishing on 2nd Street.
The Vincennes Police Department will be posting no parking signs along the parade route this morning. Motorists are asked to please abide by those no parking signs.
This evening at Inman Field, the Vincennes Alices will host Evansville North.
The delayed homecoming court and coronation will take place at the field.
The court this year consists of freshman representative Brylie Fleck and senior candidates Tiah Riggs, Katelyn Jones, Mattilyn Collins, Kahre McCrary, and Greer Hardin. Freshman attendant Jude Clark will also participate, along with senior escorts Brayton McCrary, Luke Newman, Will Hambrick, Josh Clegg, and David Akers.
A reminder that Vincennes Community Schools will be dismissing early for the homecoming festivities.