
The Knox Sports Complex has made significant progress recently, moving closer to becoming a reality. Spearheaded by Dr. Sally Bodensteiner, a local family physician, the project aims to build a year-round indoor facility dedicated to group sports and physical activities like tennis, pickleball, and rock wall climbing.

Dr. Bodensteiner’s nonprofit group recently secured a key piece of property next to Clark Middle School, which is currently a cornfield. She expressed her excitement about this milestone and the next steps:

“Now that we have the land, we’re planning to apply for various grants to secure the majority of the funds needed for construction. We’re also organizing community fundraisers, like a dinner or ice cream social, to raise additional money and show people the property.”

Dr. Bodensteiner hopes to see the complex completed within the next two years. She emphasized the need for such a facility in the community:

“As a family physician, I see the issues with obesity and depression, especially among the youth. There’s a real lack of activities for them after school and during the summer. We’re trying to get them off the couch, away from video games, and into a healthier lifestyle.”

For more information on the Knox Sports Complex and how you can get involved, visit

Click play below to hear our interview with Dr. Sally  Bodensteiner.