
The U-S Senate Special Committee on Aging held a hearing Thursday on the Older Americans Act or O-A-A.

The focus was the local impact of the law and it’s upcoming reauthorization.

Laura Holscher, the Executive Director of Generations, this area’s Agency on Aging based at Vincennes University,  highlighted the agency’s functions and importance in the community.

In answering questions from the senators on the committee,  Holscher had several recommendations concerning reauthorization of the act including an increase in funding which she says hasn’t kept pace with the growing number of older adults or inflation.

Holscher testified that since COVID, there has been a 20% increase in requests from Generations’ clients for nutritional services

Holscher appeared before before the committee at the request of Senator Mike Braun, a member of the committee.

Braun echoed Holscher’s comments on seniors’ economic struggles as well as a need for broadband access in rural communities like ours.

Follow this link to watch the hearing